Today, I’m in the exact place in between two lives & you may ask which I will choose, unless you’ve been in the in-between place before & then you know to
simply sit quietly until your life chooses you.
~ Brian Andreas (StoryPeople)
Natural gold
I’m in the exact place in between two lives. The mantra rolling through my mind regularly as counter-balance to whatwegonnado. Life drew a line in the sand for me two weeks ago, which I shared in the last two posts. Stuff I’m thinking I shoulda seen coming, but believed I could call on my own terms. How I want to live, where I want to live, my intentions for work and relationship. And even with the news, I took it slow, listened. But I am not a passive journeyer. It came to me today how the world’s in between lives, too. Deciding who, what, how. What I know for sure is in my deep, deep heart I hope we lift each other up, bring ourselves and each other to our best self. Because we can see each other, even from afar, if we take the time to look. Can even reach out in trust.
And we can see hearts speak the same language. Like filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand did when he asked what makes us human. He spent three years collecting real-life stories from 2,000 women and men in 60 countries. We authors say there are no new stories, they’ve all been told. It’s how we tell them that’s different. Like Life.
Human, extended version Vol. 1 here.
Human, all three volumes here.
And we can choose Verbs to live by, like Patti Digh’s Facebook friends chose to counteract terror. Strong answers to fear. It all adds up, she said.
I agree. It’s the world I want to live in. The verbs for my life.
I just learned ginkgo trees are considered living fossils, surviving major extinction events. That at least one ginkgo in China is 3,000 years old. Sounds so dramatic, but I feel as if a major extinction event’s occurring inside me right now. It’s not the first time. So I know I can do this. I only need look down, see the natural gold along the footpath.
Just one question….what verbs do you choose?
Another small journey. Getting to Wise.
A Writer’s Life.
A favorite: A truly blue sky.
A secret: I’ve lived with humidity nearly my entire life. I really dislike humidity, a lot.
photo: Virginia Rosenberg